Rochester, MN UCC - “Called to Serve the Kingdom” - Luke 5: 1-11
Rochester, MN UCC - "Beloved" - Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
Rochester, MN UCC - "The Triumph Over Death" - Isaiah 25:6-9
Rochester, MN UCC - "Were You There?" - Job 38:1-7
Rochester, MN UCC - "God Who Sympathizes with Our Weakness" - Hebrews 4:12-16
Rochester, MN UCC - Dignity and Integrity – Hebrews 2:5-12
Rochester, MN UCC - “The Prayer of Faith” – James 5:13-20
Rochester, MN UCC - "Servant of All" - Mark 9:30-37
Rochester, MN UCC - "Finding Life" - Matt. 16:24-28 NIV
Rochester, MN UCC - "The Wisdom That is God" - 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14
Rochester, MN UCC - "A Fair Balance" - 2 Corinthians 8:7-15
Rochester, MN UCC - “Who Is This, That Even the Wind and the Sea Obey Him?” - Mark 4:35-41
Rochester, MN UCC - "The Sabbath Made for People and Not People for the Sabbath" - Mark 2:23 - 3:6
Rochester, MN UCC - “The Spirit Gave Them Ability” - Acts 2:1-21
Rochester, MN UCC - “Sanctified In Truth, Sent Into The World” - John 17:6-19
Rochester, MN UCC - "When the Holy Spirit Moves" - Acts 10:44-48
Rochester, MN UCC - Learning from the Ethiopian Eunuch - Acts 8:26-40
Rochester, MN UCC - "Jesus, the Author of Life" - Acts 3:12-19
Rochester, MN UCC - “Our Teacher and Lord” - John 20: 1-18
Screwtape Letters Reflection Palm Sunday: On Honesty with God